Jun 18, 2007

North Bloomfield and Malkoff Diggins

I never blogged about a major part of the the Yuba trip. So now I do. A and D both posted great photos too (way back closer to when we were actually there).

North Bloomfield is the town that supported Malakoff Diggins and giant the hydraulic mining operation in Tahoe National Forest that devastated parts of the forest. The town was a bit touristy for my taste with restored buildings housing "old" bottles and barber chairs, etc. The real treasures were down the street a ways closer to the mine site where we found a swampy mine adit as well as a crazy drainage tunnel that we were too freaked out to go more than 100 feet inside (if that).

This is a little cutesy for me. These were here during the gold rush. Yeah Right.

Dani got in trouble for not looking over the horizon correctly.

This is the type of gun that they used to blast away the mountains which decimated the wild life and trees.

A lone Manzanita of course.

This mine adit is currently filled with goopy water. When I knelt down beside it I thought that a swamp monster was going to bite me.

The drainage tunnel is constantly running and drips on your head just to scare you.


Madeline said...

Poor lonely manzi.

Markasaurus said...

Dani has a visor on. If you wear a visor, the rules on looking at the horizon are more lenient.

Andy said...

Yes, but visors are always against the rules.

Anonymous said...

I have to side with Andy on this visors are against the rules, always. We almost had to stand her in a corner on this last trip due to an attempt to wear a visor bandana combo. Seriously, the line must be drawn.

Dani said...

thats a lie. I have a visor EXCEPTION. It is legal. Leggy told me so.

Andy said...

Wild Danis don't always have a good grasp on head wear etiquette.

Dani said...

dont speak about me as if i'm not here!

Andy said...

Dani, you actually pull off visor wearing very well. Truly.