Feb 7, 2008

My little gma

For the winter holidays I went to Texas (read about insane ordeal and Chinese food airport breakfast here). As most of you might know, my grandmother has Alzheimer's. She was much quieter this year than in the last several years past. She didn't join in the conversation this year or joke as much.

My uncle Jim got my aunt Lesley a baby doll as a Christmas present this year. My grandmother held it for nearly an hour and talked about it constantly. She kept saying things like, "If anyone came in here and they didn't know this was a doll, they would think it was real." And then she would stroke it's hair or examine its hands. And a few minutes later she would say the same thing. Since I didn't know how to interact with her much this visit, just watching her with the doll was nice.

Don't mind the dogs in this video. Lefty is the big one, Annie the small one.

Also, I think I already mentioned the Brownsville Zoo, but the kangaroos and gorillas were something else.


Alicia said...

That kangaroo is hopping a little slowly...

Leggy said...

all of these videos break my little leggy heart in the sweetest way possible.