Mar 5, 2008

By the way...something better

I tried something new in therapy (EMDR) that was really interesting. Starting from a bad thought you follow lights back and forth (yeah sounds nuts) and then you stop, take a breath, say what you were thinking and then go back to following lights. Then like every five thoughts you go back to the original bad thought and start over. The thing the kept coming up for me was this:

I need to roll around in the dirt. mk bye.


Anonymous said...

forget EMDR. Dirt is therapeutic!

Anonymous said...

Hey it is Reagan. Looks like you had a cool birthday trip on your own. So good to see you laying in the dirt. After all, that is true grounding. Would love to see you and take you out for a b-day whatever you want. I mean seriously, you call it, mechanical bull riding, I am in. Would love to see you.


Anonymous said...

EMDR is the best... so glad you do it.