Apr 6, 2008

Desert bloom

We got off to a late start, but made it to "boyscout" camp by 2am. It was pitch black and something very large growled and scared us and then we laughed and it woke up and tossed and turned in its tent. Oops.

Leggy and I went to Leadfield on Saturday. To get there you have to drive into Nevada and then back into Death Valley on a one way dirt road that's 30 miles long. The wild flowers were out and the desert was very green. What?!

Leadfield was pretty cool (inhabited from 1926-7) except for a tour of 4x4 Jeep people that stormed in on our ghosttown holiday. So we told some party-pooping child that they stored bodies in this building.
The drive through Titus Canyon, what you hit after Leadfield, was crazy. The cliffs rise up on either side of the road and narrow in so that you are snaking through the canyon. You really can't tell from this.

Next we went did 30 more miles of dirt road to get to the racetrack, one of my favorite places on the planet. I happened to have some plastic twirlers that we launched in the wind. And this time we really did find some of the creepy creeping rocks.

Ubehebe Crater
Even the Joshuas were in bloom


Anonymous said...

of course you and leggy went to boy scout camp...

l.c. said...

ohhh, now i really want to go!