Oct 10, 2007

Garbagefish on their way / NOPD

So, I've heard that people are sick of my prehistoric palm movie and that they want to hear about garbagefish and see garbagefish footage. Okay okay...coming soon.

I was just in New Orleans for the National Coalition of STD Directors annual conference (hail Kelly), and contrary to popular belief, I didn't just talk about chlamydia the whole time. In between sipping coolaid-lace drinks and feeling full of beignets I went on an informal tour of the ninth ward and south ninth ward. Louisiana's STD director drove us through and told us all about the rebuilding efforts as she's experienced them from the health department stand point.

Many folks down there call the hurricane "Hurricane NOPD" because the police basically took over the main STD clinic in New Orleans, looted it, and denied doing so. Booooo.

What left a lasting impression on me was the way that many gutted homes were being literally eaten by weeds and covered over with green. Homes that still had their facades were marked by a familiar spray painted X with four quadrants. One quadrant specified the date the home was searched, one said who searched it, one said how many people were found and the other specified the number of animals found. Often next to these Xs were sprayed statements like "John and Brenda are okay," or "young dog under house."

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