Nov 25, 2007

Turkey Days

If you are me on Thanksgiving: You go to your aunt Jean's house to meet up with your mom and your Jean and many dogs (8).

Then you go to the aquarium for dinner.

Then you play poker with your family and some small dogs.

Then a certain small dog sleeps with you.

You also play scrabble and get together with the FolkaDots (these pictures are actually from a previous FolkaDot gathering).

Then you Turkey Trot with a bee.


Alicia said...

I still can't get over how red my face was...bumble bees don't get redfaced!!!

Andy said...

I've seen some who do.

Alicia said...

Usually only when we sting people :)

Markasaurus said...

It's amazing how little dogs and jellyfish look so similar when they swarm. Happy Thanksgiving (a week late)!